Emotional avoidance VS emotional addiction

Emotional Empowerment is the fine line between emotional avoidance and emotional addiction. 

Emotional avoidance - you avoid tapping into our emotions for what they may bring up. This could be fear of feeling what society deems "harder or negative emotions" such as shame, rage, guilt, resentment. What is super common too - is the fear of fully feeling our joy, rage, ecstasy. There can be a sense of I can't feel that good while others are struggling, if I feel that happy then something bad will happen, the fear of fully stepping into your power, of the vulnerability that love and sex can bring up. 

Emotional addiction - the obession of emotions that keep you spiralling in that pattern. This can be deeply rooted in fear of fullt stepping into how good life can be! Like the addiction to hating the body as a fear of the magnetism can bring, the addiction to toxic or emotionally unavailable partners as a "cover up" of the fear of intimacy and relationship.

Allowing yourself to fully acknowledge and feel your emotions allows you to step into emotional maturity.


The Three Components of Emotional Maturity

1. Bringing loving presence to all emotions

This is about cultivating a loving presence to self & relationships to our emotions. As you allow yourself to feel these emotions, you build your capacity to hold them so that they are no longer driven by fear. 

Allowing yourself to fully feel your emotions will also support you in getting what you desire in ALL of life. It will naturally support habits that inspire your desire, emotional maturity when having tender conversations, more self-responsibility and less self-sabotage, more energy and depth in sex, love and intimacy.

- Bringing loving presence.

- Tapping into the wisdom & purpose of the emotion (without forcing gratitude).

- Moving & grounding through the emotion.


2. No lens of good or bad emotions

We view emotions through the lens that everything is a consciousness. This is a big tantric philosophy. Reframing the relationship with our emotions to allow them to fully serve you.

So you are no longer frustrated by the rage and no longer trying to cling to the orgasm. You are MOVED by life - for what it is - in each given moment. 

Ask yourself the question - "How do you want to relate to this emotion?"

The more we expand our capacity in this the more we move through each emotion and phase of life with  empowerment. Anyone who is really thriving in sex, pleasure & intimacy is really good at feeling comfortable in the uncomfortable. 


3. Creating emotional fulfilment within

Allowing the fulfilment to be fully alive within the body throughout the journey. 

Claiming your full magnificence of self - knowing that your emotions stem from you. 

While others may enhance emotions within us, we can only ever feel at the depth at which we have allowed ourselves to feel.