Why a Pleasure Wand over a Vibrator?

You are the greatest advocate of your body. Vibrators are not right or wrong, I’m starting to discover that perhaps nothing is and that it all comes down to the choice of what you really want in life. So I encourage you to read without self-judgment, expand your knowledge and then take informed action that aligns with your desires.

The clitoris has over 8000 nerve endings. It was thought to be the only organ whose sole function was pleasure. Its important role in reproduction and internal orgasm shook science when discovered last year, perhaps just as much as when the full clitoral body that runs internally was discovered. 

For centuries, the clitoris was thought to just be the clitoral glands and hood that is visible to the eye. So this external part of the clitoris has been the focus of pleasure for far too long. No surprise though, this totally aligns with the performance based society that we live in. Stimulating all those nerve endings will pretty much always result in orgasm and a big tick off the to do list, so many vibrators focus solely on this part of pleasure. While quick orgasms increase the success rate, it taps into a tiny percentage of pleasure that the body is actually capable of experiencing. 

Reaching this climax too soon will lead to the point of no return and weakens the fullness of internal orgasms. Understanding the body and the sacredness of the clitoris, will allow you to explore and expand your orgasms. The clitoris plays a huge role in sending blood flow to the G-spot and other powerful erogenous zones. Moving from overstimulation to slowing down will massively serve your orgasmic power. Although, the transition may at first be frustrating while slowly awakening to sensation. 

The clitoris should be honoured for the energy she brings to the body with just a gentle touch, the waves of body wisdom that she stirs, her power in preparing all other erogenous zones for orgasmic bliss and her role in creating and birthing life, projects and purpose into this world.  

Pleasure Wand over Vibrator

The vulva (the outside part of the vagina that you see - the clitoris, labia majora and minora etc) is incredibly sensitive to touch and is an erogenous zone in itself. Many women report that long term overstimulation from a vibrator can desensitize this part of the body. This could also be shown in how many start on the lowest vibration and quickly move to the highest setting because what was working just isn’t doing the trick anymore. This can create tension in the pelvic area and with time this may lead to numbness and disconnect as the body goes into self-protection mode. 

It somewhat becomes a knock-on effect, with lack of feeling there is lack of sensation so penetration occurs before the body is ready, leading to further tension and numbness. It's not that you lose complete sensation, it's that you've created neuropathways in the brain to receive pleasure in a way not natural to the body.

To state the obvious, high-intensity vibration doesn’t set up any partnership in good light. It’s hard for any lover to continuously replicate the stimulation of a machine nor is it fair. It doesn't empower your pleasure and therefore neither your partner. This can lead to feelings of frustration, faking orgasms or always reaching for that damn vibrator. Reliance and routine is a killer to intimacy. 

Sex is more than just physical. A quick climax can leave the mental and energetic side out of the equation leaving one feeling quite deflated and disconnected. Powerful sex is a build up of energy on all levels. Allow time to work in your favour and give the body power to guide. 

Again, this comes down to what you desire. Quickie’s are also insanely liberating but in my opinion they are powerful when that is what the body wants and not when it is forced. When the body is authentically circulating life force energy at an intense rate, the emotional, energetic and mental state will follow strongly. 

To sum it up, vibrators can act as smokescreens - they rub the ego, fuel performance based sex, override sexual compatibility and take out the connection and vulnerability of feeling what actually is. It takes patience to feel what is going on in your body, mind and soul when alone. It takes courage to authentically feel an intimate exchange for what it is, even with the same partner. Intimacy is energy and therefore always evolving and moving, so partners should be consciously leaning in to the expansion of it together. Vibrators are great until you can’t orgasm without one. This kind of sex, no matter how many times one has it, can leave one sexually starving and craving more.  

Pleasure wand over vibrator

Pleasure wands do not vibrate as they encourage slow sex and allow you to really discover your body and its full natural pleasure potential. They are intentionally designed to focus on the subtle sensations and on internal stimulation as this is where the glorious full body earth-shaking orgasms happen. 

They allow you to build up pleasure within the body, ensuring nothing is overstimulated so that you can flow through the natural waves of ecstasy. This allows you to truly cultivate the power within each erogenous zone in your body and you can even become full body multi-orgasmic in doing so. Yes, full body multi-orgasmic.

Authentic pleasure wands hold the energetic properties of the crystal chosen. This earth energy can really enhance healing, intention and sensation. They are crafted from a single block of authentic crystal or gemstone and don’t contain any chemicals, BPAs, plastics, rubber or phthalates. They are finished with a natural smooth polish that allows you to glide through hours of pleasure without any friction. 

Pleasure wands warm up to body temperature within seconds and retain their heat, this heat comforts tension and allows it to clear out the body allowing the pelvic area to become fully relaxed. Expansive orgasms happen through relaxation and surrender. 

Pleasure wands allow you to naturally explore and expand your ecstatic pleasure. So that when you share intimacy your awakened sexual energy is fully available to you. The way you show up for yourself in your own pleasure ceremonies will be the way you show up with a partner.

If you love vibrators perhaps after reading this you may just want to be mindful of how often you’re incorporating them into your sexual experiences. If an amazing sex life for you always includes a vibrator, you may want to consider a vibrator detox to allow the body to build up natural sensation to deepen your orgasms and heighten intimacy with self or a lover.

Your body is a force of nature that can move with the flow of pleasure - powerfully and naturally. Indulge in pleasure practices and exchanges that set you up for this. The divinity of the body’s natural desire is worth exploring. 

Please make sure that you only use pleasure wands from a reputable source where the crystals are authentic. This is important for safety and desired outcome.