Yoni Steaming

The wisdom of women and non-binary beings lies in the womb. Connecting with this powerful portal through yoni steaming allows you to connect deeper to your body's knowing. 

Native Nude and Collective Womb have gathered their passion and expertise and created three blends of different herbs to support you in your sensuality, surrendering and rewilding.

Why Yoni Steam?

For centuries, women and non-binary beings from around the globe have gathered to empower and heal in community. Yoni steaming was just one of these powerful rituals, where many would gather and hover over the hot springs of Mother Earth as the natural steam was known to honour, restore and nurture the sacred temple of the female body. 

Yoni steams have become well respected amongst healers and the warrior women and royal beings as it is known to balance the feminine cycle, unleash the sensual intimate magic of the womb, restore health, enhance fertility and clear tension, stress and imbalance in the body.

Yoni is the sankrit word for “sacred temple” referring to the womb space of a woman or sovereign being. In yoni steaming, one hovers over the steam of spring water and intentionally selected herbs permeate the exterior of the yoni. This softens the womb and encourages fresh blood flow to the womb which naturally supports the body in healing itself. This is a powerful self-care practice and when done with intention, the healing and benefits will be amplified. 


The Earth Wisdom Sensuality Blend

This powerful blend is intentionally curated to support in healing connection to sensuality and sexuality. Sexual energy is life force energy and awakening this connection will encourage all areas of your life to thrive. This is a powerful blend to support you in clearing tension and trauma in the body as well as increasing sensual sensitivity. Allow yourself to feel and trust the process of healing. First we must accept all that is, then we rise above. This is a reclamation, a remembering.

The Earth Wisdom Surrender Blend

The Surrender Blend is made up of carefully selected herbs to support you in letting go and surrendering to the unknown. Letting go is one of the most ancient of nature's cycles and rituals. You know how to let go as it is coded in your nature. Allow Mother Nature to guide you through this remembering with herbs that serve in supporting the death and rebirth cycle. This is a powerful ceremony for letting go of past lovers, experiences and trauma. From an emotional and spiritual perspective, the yoni steam cleanses the root and sacral chakra, or the base and support of the spine. Cleansing this space is truly healing and refreshing. 

The Earth Wisdom Rewild Blend

The Rewild Blend is designed to break down the barriers within to allow more pleasure, creativity, love and fertility in your life. These herbs increase blood flow to the womb supporting healing, cleansing and overall womb health. These herbs specifically support you in changes of your cyclical nature, health and vitality. The rewild blend will support you in restoring the yoni if you struggle with imbalance and dryness. 

How to Select a Yoni Steam Blend?

Tap into your body, needs and desires to support you in selecting a blend. Intuitively select the one that draws you in the most. Sometimes what we need is different to what we think we need. If you have been drawn to yoni steaming for a specific reason, allow yourself to connect with your womb during the yoni steaming ritual and ask your body how you can support it. What does it need from you? How is it communicating with you? How can you lean in and listen to your body wisdom?


The Benefits of Yoni Steaming

There are so many reasons to yoni steam. This powerful medicine truly inspires physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually and energetically. 

  • Restore and nurture the womb space.
  • Balance, regulate and soothe the menstrual cycle.
  • Clear stagnant blood, old lining and unwanted waste from the womb.
  • Enhance fertility as it increases blood flow to the womb space and in doing so heals and prepares the womb for pregnancy.
  • Awaken sexual passion and libido.
  • Encourages more powerful orgasms and sensual sensations.
  • Nurtures the yoni creating more natural lubrication.
  • Supports healing emotional, physical and sexual trauma. (abuse, miscarriage, abortion, etc).
  • Relieves pain during intercourse.
  • Deepens connection to feminine essence.
  • Preventing & eliminating haemorrhoids.
  • Bleeding issues (scanty bleeding, blood clots, absence of menstruation).
  • Postpartum recovery by aiding in the repair of vaginal tears, episiotomy, or C-section scars.
  • Supports healing uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, PCOS, endometriosis, uterine weakness and prolapse.
  • Relieve chronic yeast infections and UTI's.
  • Ease pre/ post-menopausal symptoms (vaginal dryness, discomfort and pain with intercourse).
  • Prevention & treatment of bacterial infections (yeast infections, bacterial vaginosis, cervicitis, trichomonas).
  • Supports healing Scar tissue.
  • Release stored emotions of past experiences and all that no longer serves you.
  • Encourages creative energy for projects, service and soul work.
  • Commitment to a self-love and self-care ritual.

One of our favourite things about yoni steaming is the way the entire process makes us feel. You can make it a beautiful ceremony by journaling, meditating, listening to music or just connecting with yourself in stillness. This supports you in restoring yourself mentally, energetically and emotionally while enjoying the physical clearing and healing of yoni steaming. 

We created the single yoni steam for pure convenience, an easy travel companion (we love to steam wherever we go) and for those curious and looking to see if this practice resonates before fully committing. We also have the bulk blend option to support you in this powerful practice. As with everything in life, consistency is key to really reap the rewards. 

You'll receive a Yoni Steaming Ebook upon purchase that explains everything you need to know from the ancient wisdom to the how, when and whys. 

Please note: If you have had your womb removed or if you were born without a womb, you still hold an energetic womb and yoni steaming will still hold all the benefits for you. Do not steam during pregnancy or if you have any kind of intrauterine device (IUD). Reach out on the contact tab if you have any questions. 

Yoni steaming is suggested to support the body. Feel into if it feels aligned for you. Many have experienced powerful results through this practice but please note that this is not intended to treat or diagnose medical conditions.